A Letter to Our Missionary Son…

Our oldest son has spent 6 weeks in the Missionary Training Center in Mexico City and recently flew to Guadalajara where he will spend the next 22 months or so. We email him each week and I try to write a letter to him each week as well…Here is a recent letter I sent, hopingContinue reading “A Letter to Our Missionary Son…”

The 25th Anniversary of Starting My Mormon Mission…

It has been 25 years, today. July 3, 1991…I was 19 years old and my parents and brothers and I were at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah, saying our goodbyes. They were going to drive off and leave me there… I had never lived away from home up to that point sinceContinue reading “The 25th Anniversary of Starting My Mormon Mission…”

To Our Graduating Son: You’ve Made This Much, Much Harder Than it Needed to Be…

Dear Oldest Son…You graduate tomorrow! It is so hard for me to wrap my head around this. You were our “little guy” for a long time, then our “big guy” for awhile, and all of the sudden you are a man. It happened that fast. Probably happened faster for us than you. So graduation willContinue reading “To Our Graduating Son: You’ve Made This Much, Much Harder Than it Needed to Be…”

No One Can Make Me Believe, and No One Can Make Me Choose Otherwise…

I had a moment of clarity some time ago regarding belief, faith, testimony, and knowledge. Things are a little more simple for me now, and more peaceful. And, in fact, I feel like I can put my drive and effort and heart into what I think are the most important things in life now…I thoughtContinue reading “No One Can Make Me Believe, and No One Can Make Me Choose Otherwise…”

Why I’m Not So Ready to Give Up My Anxiety Quite Yet…

Let me start by saying that I don’t think my anxiety is like anyone else’s. Therefore, my experience isn’t meant to be a pattern for anyone. If the following is helpful, wonderful… But it may not be. I remember thinking that I’d give almost anything to get rid of the anxiety. I would see peopleContinue reading “Why I’m Not So Ready to Give Up My Anxiety Quite Yet…”

What I Mean When I Say that “I Know the Gospel is True”…

The phrase “I know” seems pretty definite and makes people a little nervous, if not dubious and doubtful. I totally get it. Hearing other people express the idea that another can’t know for sure that the gospel or the church or obedience is true–and that they know it–has given me reason to dig into whatContinue reading “What I Mean When I Say that “I Know the Gospel is True”…”

Thomas S. Monson, Maddox Restaurant, and Dinner….

Since my grandmother passed away a few weeks ago I’ve been stopping in to see my grandfather each week on my way home from work. I love the visits. I ask him a bunch of questions and he tells stories to answer. I’m learning a lot… For example: Years ago Grandma and Grandpa were enjoyingContinue reading “Thomas S. Monson, Maddox Restaurant, and Dinner….”

Parents: Explain, Share, and Testify…

This will be short… As a religious educator, I have some ways of measuring my efforts in the classroom. One of them to ponder and measure how well I “explain, share, and testify of gospel doctrines and principles”, and also to invite the students to do the same: explain, share, and testify. In the GospelContinue reading “Parents: Explain, Share, and Testify…”

The Meme That May Be Wrecking Your Day…

Our attitudes aren’t really based on what others choose and do. We are in control of how we are going to feel about any situation and we can act accordingly.