A “Sheltered Life” From Giving In To Sin…

I’m noticing two trends. One is lame and one is beautiful. Put together, they may be causing us to miss a wonderful, empowering, beautiful opportunity that we each have. Here’s trend #1, which I’m not going to spend much time on: We (society) are pretty focused on “rights” and “doing whatever makes you happy”. ThisContinue reading “A “Sheltered Life” From Giving In To Sin…”

The Power in the Word “And” in the Scriptures…

If I asked ten people what the most significant word in the scriptures was, surely I’d hear about ten different answers. I couldn’t even guess what you’d share, and the possibilities are endless. But I’d bet that no one answered with the words “if”, “but”, “as”, or “and”. But can I make a case forContinue reading “The Power in the Word “And” in the Scriptures…”

A One-On-One Experience with the Savior…

It is one thing to hear about something. Especially good if whoever tells you about it is good at explaining things with detail and passion. But, as they say, it is another thing to experience it yourself. I believe that the Savior wants us to experience the gospel for ourselves. But it goes deeper thanContinue reading “A One-On-One Experience with the Savior…”